Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Big bye, bye!

THANK YOU B.G! You know who you first handmade birthday card beauty! 
Awesome to find that someones been reading my ramble; she handed me my card at around twelve.

Arhhh! Restored! I was just thinking yesterday that I hadn't been given any cards before the deadline...trying to shrug it off, a bit beduzzled that NO-ONE had bothered, but I let it go until....B.G said she had something for me. Yay! A likkle homemade card, bless her!

I must say, I did enjoy blogging, being 'heard' brought a refreshing to my soul, lovely when you can share things with others.

 I want to thank you for paying me any notice, I appreciate it and I hope you've been blessed by my life and stories...No, I'm not dying, but I might cry! Lol...

And Yes, I had a lovely birthday! Picturing myself walking on a beach, rolling about on the floor, picking my free £5 gift from The Body Shop (Love Your Body card birthday offer!), and bumping into J.C at Yo!Sushi for my evening meal.....not Jesus, another J.C (but He was there,too)!

Mwahh!! I LOVE YOU. Have a good year!

Monday 11 March 2013

32....? Already!

Highlights to my year?

•Learning to skate backwards!
•Starting  a performance degree
•Visiting family in New York
•Finding a new body of believers
•Leaving RI

Boy, no wonder it went quick! I'm so grateful to God that I got to experience all this, and that I'm in my right mind (seriously, I could be worse).

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning.

New every morning, great is thy faithfullness oh Lord.
Great is thy faithfullness.
T'arnk yu', Jesus!

Sunday 10 March 2013


Yet again, God has answered my prayers....I'm learning that if you see something that grieves your spirit, or better yet, doesn't line up with the word, talk to God about it and He will bring about change. 

The key to the change is waiting for Him to do it...rather than gripping to others, go to Him because He can change the situation.

 I'm talking, in particular, about church life but it can go for any part of our lives. It's beautiful, really, we're not completely like Jesus yet, so there's bound to be things we see 'wrong' with each other,

 and God gives us the grace to love one another and ask for change in those areas. Another day where He's amazed me!

Saturday 9 March 2013


Picked up my guitar again, this week...
one of those things, 

Do everything else apart from the thing you should be doing!

Friday 8 March 2013


Carrots are fantastic! Naturally sweet, great crunch factor, and they are good for you.

I'd forgotten all about carrots! And they are so moreish...I would get another one, but I'm in bed now.

Thursday 7 March 2013

B'day card test....

I have a birthday card here, four days early....hummmm!!! Do I open it? I've been told no already, but I actually, already know who it's from. So in theory, I have already opened the, wait!

 The fact is I get excited to see who they're from...especially if they came in the post, like this one did (well my nanna went out the door and then posted it through, but it still counts ;) and well,I know who it's from.....what exactly am I waiting for?!

 Maybe it's one of those social contract thingies...ya' know, something you just don't do. But then again, it is something you would say to a five year old, "....It's not your birthday, yet! Don't open it!"

Who is actually bothered? Seriously, I'll be 32 next week and I'm fussing myself whether to open this card or not! IT'S MINE! Lol...

But it is one of those things that I do....I would feel better about opening it ON my birthday, as it will probably be my only hoo! Arrrhhh...a little test to see who reads this..

  • If you know who I am, and will see me between now and Tuesday (which will be my last blog). 
  • Hand me a birthday card; big, small, cheap scribble, home-made job, paperchase-made, whatever.
  • If you remember to do this, or if you can be bothered, I will reward you....(a little thank you for reading my blogs, mwah!)

I will open my cards on my birthday....makes it feel special!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Our children...

Just read an Ofsted report on children's homes, online. 
Wow, I underestimate what it is to have family around me...some of the children stated that not having your loved ones around was the worst thing about being in care.

 I assumed that it was only orphans who lived in care homes, but I came to realise that it is children who for some reason or another can't stay with their own family. And that it is staff on shifts who continually look after them, even sleeping over! 
 Man, I pray for these people; the children and the workers.

  Will you join me, just read and agree in Jesus' name.

  • That God's will be done in their lives, on earth as it is in heaven.
  • That the love of Father God will encompass them.
  • That God will keep them from the evil one.
  • That He would mend and restore their lives.
  • That He would cover them with His grace. 
  • That the government will continue to care for and protect our vunerable children, by the grace of God and His wisdom. 
  • That any 'evils' within the system would be exposed and disposed of (God knows who and what they are). 
For every single children's home in the uk, and over the world, in the name of Jesus. Yes and amen!

Thank you!