Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Friday 1 March 2013


Wondered today why I'm so polite in the public loos! I normally go into the cubicle to put on deodrant...why? I mean, it's not like women don't know that we all wear deodrant! And there's countless times I've seen women preening, putting make-up.

Am I the only one who goes into the cubicle?! I mean, I could understand if it was an aerosol or something, but it's an underarm 'smooth-on' thingy!

Well today I put it on facing the mirror, fully aware of the looks I was getting; I kinda imagined it to be a changing room.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I didn't strip off! Just ya' know, hitched up my jumper dress whilst still wearing my coat ( ok, so that could have been what the looks were for! Maybe ;)

Look, there was more room out there than in the cubicle!

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