Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Bookaholic much?!

I'm reading a cool book at the mo', Beautiful One: A walk In Deeper Intimacy with the One who created us.

 It's women's stories of their experiences with God, and it's so inspiring. There is something about hearing of someone's life experiences, that has the ability to shape and encourage our own. 
Especially when God's involved!

 He plants seeds in our hearts and waters them over time, wanting us to blossom and grasp hold of what He's got for us. He's so cool!.

 The stories give us hope and stir us into wanting more for ourselves. In these particular types of books, we catch a glimpse of what's outside of our own box, and the fact that 'God is no respecter of persons'. He used them, why can't He use me.

 The ladies I read about were from various walks of life, and drew near to a God of love, and decided to follow after His heart.

 That's what I want most, to follow His heart and love like He loves.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Arrhh, how I need movement!

Today was a full physical day...I forgot how good it felt to dance and play. It made my week so much better, I definitely need to keep up with the I see why people go to the gym.

 I'd rather be dancing it out than pumping weights or running on a machine, though. The Urban fusion class at Dancexchange was awesome...the warm up killed me, my abdominal muscles were burning!! I'm talking on fire!!! 

 Picture sitting on your bum, legs in front, hands at your sides; slightly behind you. Lift your ankles off the floor so your legs are lifted circle your legs off the floor; to the left, top, right, below without touching the floor.

 Do this ten times towards the left, then ten times to the right. We had to do it opposite a partner, circling their legs; they were doing the same thing opposite. This was just the warm up....

 Oouucchh! Hopefully I finish uni early next week so I can go again!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


....I genuinely have nothing to say! 

It's all been said before...

Erm, maybe I'm not so good at this blog thing,

 after all. 

Bless the Lord, oh my soul....oohhh, I found that the uni does a cheap breakfast selection. I got an English brekkie for £2.40.

 It goes to show that how we can go ages without knowing about something that would benefit always benefit from an English!!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Bored easily?!

I love how the Lord God is the same yesterday, today and forever...yet, He provides something new, something I've never seen before, and even reminds me of things I've forgotten. He's done it plenty of times; I've been bored with something (doesn't take long!) and asked Him for something new or for Him to surprise me, and He's done it.

 It's happened at uni when I was dreading a boring warm up that we'd done for most of the term, I told Him I was considering being late just so I missed it...but that I knew that weren't the right thing to do, so I asked Him to sort it for me....well, when I got there (on time..) the tutor skipped the warm up and began to ask about one of the productions we'd seen...Yay! Praise God!

 He's my ever present help in times of trouble...Okay, so it wasn't that detrimental to my health that I didn't have to do the warm up, but it shows me that He cares, even about the little things that trouble me. He's beautiful!...That is only one example, and to be honest, I would be here writing until 5 in the morning if I listed all the times He's helped me...

Did I tell you about the time He rescued me from a dodgy dude?! How about when He told me the correct subway stop, in New York, to get off? Or the time He....seriously, there's been loads though I'd have to ask Him to refresh my memory on them as I forget easily. Strange that...when things are going hunky dory, I tend to forget the times when God helped me out. Just like the children of Israel!

 But I've found that if I write it down, I can reflect on what He's done for me....isn't always easy, but neither is this blog. Sometimes I spend too much time on words, trying to describe what is or has happened without dramatising it or writing it down in a way the language could be misinterpreted.

"My sheep know my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." (Jesus) John 10:27

"I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to foolishness. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land." Psalm 85:8,9

"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3

"I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths." Proverbs 4:11

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Arrr...sweet love!!

Beautiful day at church today....sweet worship, stirring word, awesome time talking with others and most of all He was there...that's what made it awesome!
  His love was present...ooohhh I can't really describe it more than that....His comfort, peace, joy, love was there....So sweet!

 I wanna keep close to Him, even in my room with the laptop on and the pile of washing up to attack....He is here! Never will He leave me, nor abandon me, His word says...and I rest in that right now!

 His love is never ending....I fix my face towards His, and rest in Him. It's the kind of feeling and knowing when you've been talking to your favourite person, that one who loves you no matter what, you can be yourself and it's okay to cry if you want...they don't judge it, they care and dry your eyes! 

"How marvellous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be!".....
That's it for today....I got some dishes to clean!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Let me try and break this down...


If you were to die today....would you go to heaven or hell?

Quite a simple question, but it was something that troubled me as a youth. I did not wanna go to hell, I mean who would want to. I used to go to my nan's house after school, and one day in the park across the road from the house, I felt scared.

 I don't know what it was, something I can only describe as an evil presence in the park, and it got me praying to Jesus. I grew up going to Sunday school, hearing about Jesus and how He died in my place, for my sins.

 This feeling from the park; nobody could help me with, it was something spiritual, the only one who could help me, protect me....was Jesus.

I can't honestly say how long it took, but that eeriness went away, so much that I only really remembered it in these recent years. There's been plenty of times like that where I remember that I asked God to help me and He did; I used to get really bad nightmares as a child and I asked Him to take them away, they went.

 I knew Jesus was real, but grew up without much thought to Him, writing 'Christian' on the forms was the closest I got really sharing Him or anything. I was a reasonably good girl; didn't rob people (just sweets, and sometimes change from the coin bowls to buy them), hardly drank, didn't do drugs because of fear of what they'll do to me, never slept around for fear of getting pregnant or some nasty disease, but I did wonder what life was all about.

I heard preaching whilst about town and had seen Passages from the bible on posters around, but had never been in the position to face a decision to follow Christ (apart from when I was well young or when I was 14).

This happened at the age of 18. My mom held a party for my younger sister, at her house, as my parents had divorced, and I went and stayed over. They went to church, as they were born again Christians, so I went with them. As I think back over it, I remember noticing how loving it was being amongst them; my mom, her husband, my sister, and her new friends from church who came round for bible studies and chilling. I wanted what they had, but didn't think on it like that at the time...I just noticed it, it was nice.

 It came to a decision time again whilst at one of the evening meetings, after going to another party and staying with them all day, I heard the gospel message-it made sense and now I was asked if I wanted Jesus to save me....Boy was I nervous, but I knew that what the preacher was saying was true....three specific things came to my mind; my drama group (was I willing to let go of it, if it came to it), my dad (was I ready to accept Jesus regardless of what he said), and my loneliness. After a bit more struggle I put my hand up to receive Jesus as my Saviour.
 That was nearly 14 years ago, on August 29th, and Jesus is more real than ever; He's spoken to me, directed me, warned me, helped me, protected me, forgiven me, healed me, shaped me, trusted me, softened me, trained me, gifted me....shall I go on?! Lol....for real...He's awesome!

This was all made possible because someone took the time to share with me the message of the gospel....
to put it simply....
We were enemies of God...disobedient, self-righteous, proud, rebellious, hateful, liars....The bibles says that not one of us matched up to God's standard, trust me He looked! He came up with a way that He could get rid of all the crap that we ever had, were and would lead ourselves into.
 Now God had already set a few things in motion on this planet and He couldn't lie, being a just judge, as well as love itself, someone had to pay for all these horrendous crimes against Him. They had been committed and He couldn't just turn a blind eye, (He doesn't have a blind eye by the way, just a saying!). He had an enemy who would throw these crimes in His face and force Him to act and punish His creation. This enemy was doomed to eternal torment anyway, and wanted to drag as many peeps down with him by lying to them.
God decided, as no-one was without fault on the earth, He would send His Son down from heaven to the earth to die in their place and pay their huge debt for them...all their evil desires, ignorance, arrogance, fears, pride of life, boastfulness, lust, every perverted thought, action and reaction was placed onto Jesus.

 The intense anger of God was poured out onto Jesus, instead of onto you and me....we now have forgiveness and life through the Son of God, if you want it....

 It's that simple.....Let go of everything else, tell Him you want Him to clean out your heart and you want Him to save you.....Ask Him!
Choose Jesus....every other road leads to destruction. He is the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world, and yes, He was risen from the dead by His Father, Almighty God! Woo hoo! I live because He lives, He is my redeemer and friend....Oh and wait til you meet His Holy spirit....a helper and a friend! Seriously, He is awesome, open up your heart...He loves you! You may have many more questions, I did! You can die without having some of those answered, but please don't die without knowing Jesus. He has answered plenty of my questions, so far...and like I said earlier I spoke to Him in my youth and He helped me.....start the journey with Christ, He is the way to the Father.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (Jesus) John 3:16,17

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me." (Jesus) John 14:6

"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" The bible