Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Arrhh, how I need movement!

Today was a full physical day...I forgot how good it felt to dance and play. It made my week so much better, I definitely need to keep up with the I see why people go to the gym.

 I'd rather be dancing it out than pumping weights or running on a machine, though. The Urban fusion class at Dancexchange was awesome...the warm up killed me, my abdominal muscles were burning!! I'm talking on fire!!! 

 Picture sitting on your bum, legs in front, hands at your sides; slightly behind you. Lift your ankles off the floor so your legs are lifted circle your legs off the floor; to the left, top, right, below without touching the floor.

 Do this ten times towards the left, then ten times to the right. We had to do it opposite a partner, circling their legs; they were doing the same thing opposite. This was just the warm up....

 Oouucchh! Hopefully I finish uni early next week so I can go again!

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