Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Joke, anyone?!

Blogger challenge

 Can I upkeep a blog?


 I'm giving myself two months,
 59 days exactly....of talking (trust me, it ain't hard!). The tricky bit is having something worth reading! *nod, nod*

So, I hope if you've stumbled across this page by accident, it gives you a bit of joy... 

How? Oh I don't know...

Maybe a joke, I made one up today...ready? Cool!

Q: "Why did the Orangutan cross the road?

 A: He wants to be like yooouu hhooo hooo!"

Now some have said that it's cheesy....but it made me laugh! 
 Ok, so that's not a good measurement, 'cause I laugh at anything!

But it makes me think that people have forgotten how to laugh at the simple things, these days.

Tell it to your friends, see if they laugh...I tell you what, I will update you with how many people actually laughed when I share it this week. 

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