Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Arrr...sweet love!!

Beautiful day at church today....sweet worship, stirring word, awesome time talking with others and most of all He was there...that's what made it awesome!
  His love was present...ooohhh I can't really describe it more than that....His comfort, peace, joy, love was there....So sweet!

 I wanna keep close to Him, even in my room with the laptop on and the pile of washing up to attack....He is here! Never will He leave me, nor abandon me, His word says...and I rest in that right now!

 His love is never ending....I fix my face towards His, and rest in Him. It's the kind of feeling and knowing when you've been talking to your favourite person, that one who loves you no matter what, you can be yourself and it's okay to cry if you want...they don't judge it, they care and dry your eyes! 

"How marvellous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be!".....
That's it for today....I got some dishes to clean!

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