Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

1 thing....

One thing remains....

wow, "heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away." Jesus

Draw close to Him so we can hear Him speak.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


So, What Shall We Say Today?!
....Carpe Diem! (sieze the day)

Yes, go for it. Don't dilly dally, get your foot on the gas and go! It is the season to move, forward motion...on it!
What are you waiting for?! Who's gonna do it if you don't? Come on. Go!Go!Go!

There...that's my motivational speech. And the beauty is we can do it....and even better when we get His help.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Oh, and He's with us.... :)

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Chugga! Chugga! bath would be lovely, now, but I would definitely fall asleep in there.

So tired travelling back from Coventry; quite a nice town, though it was a bit spooky in the dark....hardly anyone around, but it was alright...mostly students making their way home.

I actually miss travelling by train, the virgin train was quite peaceful, outside peak hours! I'm not sure I even remember where I went by train...random days or weekends out probably.

Yeah! A few days in Nottingham, days out in Stratford-upon Avon, open day at Cov uni.

Choo! Choo! I do like to travel by train...nice change from the bus. Saying that, I'm gonna get my bike fixed soon!

Monday, 25 February 2013


"Sweet surrender to Your spirit, draw me closer to Your heart...
I am thirsty for Your presence, just to be here where You are.
Love everlasting, come and dwell with me.
Oh Lord, I just want You more. More...I just want You."
Tune!! Please check it out below, it's so sweet!!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Get sharper.

Read your bible! It's amazing how easy it is to drift off into our own ways and traditions, and sometimes that is because we haven't been many times have sort of quoted the bible? I know I've done it loads! It's actually quite refreshing to find that you were on the right track, but also learning sometimes new for the first time....the word is like that. And I'm thankful that it is alive and sharper than a two edged's able to correct, comfort, and instruct. I think I might spend some time in the Proverbs next....

Saturday, 23 February 2013

How am I doing, eh? 41 posts? To be honest it's been quite tricky; not remembering to write, but what to write. I can ramble, but which thoughts do I focus on....It's been interesting writing about's strange; kinda forcing myself to write, even when I don't feel like it. I know how authors or columnists feel...getting paid for having something to say. Pressure....well, I guess we wouldn't have some of the things we have without pressure. lovely tender curried goat my nan does! Nuff sed!

Friday, 22 February 2013


Lovin' the Lord....ain't got much more to say than that today! God bless you!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

A saved people!

Sitting in restaurants with tall, clear glass windows....I can't help but look out at the people passing by and wonder about them. I remember a time when I was brassic, walking by the food windows was painful!

 Or even, surpassing the temptation to eat out, when you know full well you have a perfectly good meal waiting for you at home! *Sigh*

 I overheard a lady talking to a friend on the phone yesterday; the conversation wavered between having the money to go out to eat at a time when she was broke, and her 'baby-daddy' failing to initiate some time with 'baby'.

 I wonder how many people look fantastic...but have no food in their cupboards! It's probably more common than I think....there should be a food bank (there probably already is...), that you donate to and when times get hard you can deposit some a savings account. 

I used to do that...sort of...but in a cupboard that I didn't really use. Filled it with nice, but not my favourite foods, for a time when I had no money. Ya' know...corned beef, Fray Bentos tinned pies (umm), fish fingers...  :) 
Well, not fish fingers in the cupboard...those in the freezer!! Lol...

You could say it was/is a bit like when Joseph, in the bible, interpreted Pharaoh's dream about a famine to come. The Lord had given him the meaning and with His wisdom, Joseph had the servants prepare by storing up the grain.
 So when the famine finally came (a seven year wait!) the people of the land came to him, because he was promoted to second in command (amazing story-Genesis chapters 37 to 50!), and he gave them grain from the stores. 

Waalaah! A people saved as God revealed the future to one man.....He's awesome, and again a story of His love and His hand on our lives.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Little Picasso!

Arrhhh....painting with my sister is so cool!

I never ever thought of helping her paint a watercolour picture...she asked if she could help me paint and by the time I finished drawing it, I didn't feel like painting...(must have been all that Wagamamas!).

 I directed her, but she did the painting! And she's only five! Don't underestimate these little ones....


Got me thinking about teaching the younger ones the things I take for granted....sharing and showing, teaching and training!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Come on hotness! a hot bath! Especially when I can dip my whole head in...well, not all of it....just my hair. I do have to prop the door open a bit though, else I start sweating as I'm trying to get dry!! Imagine!...(well, not literally).

So what have you been up to? Enjoying the sun? 

Wow, when I finished around 3pm, it felt like summer I genuinely felt different.

 Like the sun altered the day...But I think it does!

 I'm so used to dark days now, that when the sun came I forgot we even had a summer season....made me look forward to summer!

 Bring it on!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Jog, jog!

I've just found that I haven't really appreciated the things I learnt at college....there's loads of relevant modules that I passed at a high level. I have the paperwork to prove it!


Could I tell you, three years later, what I'd learnt?....Not without that paperwork. No! 

I've been out of the habit too long, when I'm in the moment I'm there....fully on it and ready to move with in. But give it a bit of time and I've forgotten it, or stored it in a part of the memory which is waiting for a jogging. 

I must make more of an effort to retain valuable info or more importantly, put them into immediate practise....

 Maybe, that's why the bible tells us to be doers of the word, not just hearers. Putting into practise what we've learnt, so we're not fooling ourselves...

Sunday, 17 February 2013

He's with us...

"When two or three are gathered in My name, there are I am in the midst", Jesus said. And it was so true this weekend...

I want to encourage you, if you haven't been to church for a while or even if you've never been, go....

Or just meet up with other believers, maybe at someones home, in a coffee shop or bible study.

 It's not the place, but the will really bless you! 

Well I'm speaking from experience....I'm slightly biased! :)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

I love the Holy spirit!

I love the Holy spirit....He is amazing! He so helped me with my shopping today, or should I say tonight as I left it 'til the market was nearly closed.

 Even that; He got me there before all the stalls and things were shut. I so faff about sometimes, 'laxing like I've got all day, which in theory I do have all day, but if I want to get something done at a particular place I'm kinda limited.

 Plus I had it on my mind all day that I was gonna go (don't you hate procastination sometimes, though it was more than that, I was enjoying a basking in the sun! He's so special! His love surrounds....)

I got my off cut fabric from the 50p bucket (watch me don a new skirt! :D.....well you don't have to watch but I'm looking forward to making it),

 I made it to pick up some elastic, too - 38p, I might add (even though I did add ;) 

And I got my long awaited heel replacements done (on my boots!). Probably all in the space of fifteen minutes...would have been less but I faffed around in the fabric bin for a while....

 Also picked up some juicy fruit, after being 'danced' into buying some 50p sausage rolls (they're in the oven now, yum! Actually wait there, I think they're done...) Oh and eggs! Just think, the markets are where all these mega stores began....I have been reminded to support their livelihood.

Yep, real flaky puff pastry! I was surprised when I bit into used to Greggs!

Well I hope you have a nice evening, I'm off out to a fundraiser....oh, and I did ask others if they wanted to come :)
 I'm learning....

Friday, 15 February 2013


I'm quite impressed that I've managed to write a blog for so makes me think that a lot more things are possible, if I take them one day at a time.



 Every long term plan has small steps to get there....reminds me of a conversation the other day at bible study; that we are not to despise the day of small things, as the bible puts it.

 Because it is in those times that God wants to see if we are trustworthy with what He's given us.  He knows what those things will develop into; in practise or for our characters. And that He wants to reward us for our faithfulness!

 Are we faithful with our money? Faithful with the little time we have on earth...

Where do we spend our time? 

And doing what?

 With whom?

 Are we faithfully doing our masters' work? 

'Servants of the Most High!' we're called. It's a serious thing, I know I've underestimated the impact I have on the people around fact, I didn't even think about anyone else!

 I have been about my business...I fancy a cup of tea; I want to go here, there, everywhere; I need some space. These things aren't bad, but if I was to tally the amount of things I did for other people, it wouldn't look like much these days!

 It's so easy to get caught up in what I've got planned or what I want from God for my life, that I forget that I've been bought at a price...for a purpose! Not only to be blessed, but to be a blessing! God help me! Seriously!

 I pray that my wants and desires are pure before Him, aligned with His heart....He knows me, He's perfect!

The good news is that He has given us His spirit to help, yay!

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Really encouraged to write down what I envision for the future...big and small, as I read that nothing is impossible for God. I did speak to a man today who didn't believe in miracles, but I thank God that I do....

God is able to do more than I could ever ask or imagine (my bible more ways than one). So I will dare to ask....His word says that we can come boldly to the throne of grace...

I told Him, whilst working full-time for a clothing company, that I wanted to study (and this was secretly inside my heart).
 Not too long later it unfolds that I see my college tutor the day after I was looking for my other tutors' email, a family member offers to pay off the rest of my debt (the main reason for still being in retail), and after chickening out the first one, I was given another interview, to the course which I applied to two months late. That might not seem like a miracle to anyone else, but to me...He moved mountains, particularly my own self-doubt.

God is amazing, He is able to restore things back to the way they were....not only that but to the way He sees them. Awesome!

 I look forward to the full restoration that He has for me...yeah, I may look like I have it all together, but let me tell you; it is He who scrapes me out the bed to give a damn....seriously there are days when I could just disappear and it is He who lifts up my head with hope.

 There is serious power in the name of Jesus....sometimes He is all I have...

  • I envision full restoration to my body, soul and mind.....
  • To walk freely in His spirit; setting others free, in the name of Jesus.....
  • That my family will see the restoration that God has for their lives and live in it....

There's just a few, save the rest for my journal....peace! 

p.s. He really does love us!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


I am so tired!...It's crazy how one day different in your schedule alters the rest of your week...I even had a twenty minute nap between classes.....yep just fell asleep.

Seriously wanna write more, but my eyes are seeing which of them can stay closed the

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Warts 'n' all...

"Have faith in God," Jesus said. I found myself looking up Samson in the bible.

I wanted to see if he was mentioned in hebrews chapter eleven with the great men and women of faith....he was!

I was so encouraged; he had times when he was conquering and times when he was betrayed and conquered, but God still used him one last time...

by faith, he asked God for strength to conquer his enemies, and God granted his request...

I have had my times of defeat, that I was fit for the rubbish heap,

but God has encouraged me with His word...that these were real people of the bible;

warts and all, and God still calls them His own. Mega comfort for me!

"I am my Beloved's, and He is mine. And His banner over me is love." (Song of Soloman, song)

P.s. Samson's full story is found in:

Judges - chapter 13-17

Monday, 11 February 2013

No.2 anyone?

Why am I hyper conscious of making sound whilst going to the toilet?!

I'm talking when there's about one person in there....
and there's this silence that builds up as I'm waiting for the wee to come out.

Am I the only one who coughs to cover up my movements?! Or is relieved (not intended!) when the other person flushes or uses the hand dryer?
That they're not waiting to hear what the next installment fact, they are not even thinking about you.

Well, there I go again! Thinking that the world revolves around me....
Will someone tell Miss Zaniness that people aren't bothered about what she's doing;

they are too busy lining the bog with tissue, so she doesn't hear the plop!!

Actually, why am I so surprised when I hear a couple of plops from the next cubicle...

in fact, why are some people surprised when it smells like poo in the toilets?!

People poo.

I'd be more worried if the lecture room smelt of poo, wouldn't you?! 



It's cool how we like listening to stories....watching my little sis taking in a story from one of her programs reminds me that even as adults we like stories ....

So just fell asleep during this!

I suppose it didn't help by doing it in bed, with the lights dimmed low!!!

Gotta sleep man.... ;)

Saturday, 9 February 2013

"For a time..."

God is so gracious...I had been squirming in my current situation, and just thinking of myself, a lot. And today I was reminded of why I am where I am.


The very place we often try to get away from, for whatever reason, may be the very place He wants to use you.

No matter how boring it is! You may be the light in someone's darkness!

Be have been the chosen vessel

"for such a time as this" (from the book of Esther, bible)....

Rejoice, He knows what He is doing.

I underestimated how much I was needed in someone's life, that there was no-one else around at that time and the Lord trusted me to deliver.... :'(

It wasn't easy, but thankfully I obeyed the Holy spirit in the lead up to the specific time I was needed and He delivered...

He is faithful, let Him show you who it is; they are probably closer than you think!

God bless.

Friday, 8 February 2013


This is so hard...writing for the sake of writing!!
Trying to grab some interest from my day...well I've found some.

I cooked my first soup today! Dashhinn!

It was potato, carrot and onion...with everything else to make it taste nice...and it did!

It was the cheese and pork leftovers, that made it! (well, I made it! :)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Family lesson...

Listening to my sisters has been insightful...."Don't! We're saving them for pancake day!"
This was every sister, but youngest sisters', response to her offering out and sharing half a pack of ready made pancakes.

I wanted to support youngest at her generous gesture, but I paused at the unity of the others....

the pancakes wouldn't neccessarily stay that fresh until then (I was more with the 'eat them now plan'),
but they stood together, reinforcing one another by looking forward to a better day.

I love it! It got me thinking about how sometimes I see one way or reason for doing something which may be quite selfish,
and how by listening to others and sharing their view, I can be part of something bigger.

It reminds me of the letter to the Philippians in the bible;

"Then make me truly happy by loving each other, working together with one heart and mind and purpose.
Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself." Philippians 2:2,3 (TLB)

(Italics are mine; I so, need this right now!)

Now, I don't know what they have planned for Tuesday,
but I'm sure it will be special because they have decided, make a day of it.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Chill out!

Remember to have fun....I was privileged to take part in a workshop today which allowed me to have mess about and have a laugh.

The amazing thing is watching people transform into some'thing' else; maybe they were quite reserved by nature,

but given the chance to express themselves in a safe place they came out of there shell and perhaps did things that they had never done before....

I've noticed that some people are quick to write themselves off because they can't do any of the glamorised occupations, like singing or dancing, or maybe comparing themselves to others.

Well at uni I've learnt that the 'yawn' and 'sigh' are effective starting tools for voice, and we can all do them!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Oh no! He doesn't let go.....

My eyes were closed for at least fifteen minutes of my lesson today...
No, I wasn't asleep!

I was being lead by a partner around my campus in a sensory exercise.
 It was cool when I realised what objects I was feeling, in a way it gave me freedom to explore them in a new I had never encountered them before, and there were no boundaries that had been put in place, except for no speech!
 I ended up 'bouncing' off the sheeted plastic of a vending machine (didn't know it was one until someone put money in the one next to me), it was a bit like an upright trampoline...very fun, even made my partner laugh!

It does remind me of walking in the Holy spirit, and trusting in what He is showing or teaching me...there's been times when I followed so far, but then because I thought I'd been there before, or seen something like it, I've lent on that rather than being humble and open.
 Maybe that's why Christ said that we needed to become like children to enter the kingdom of God...unassuming, trusting, obedient....
 There were a few times when I sensed that 'something' was there, because I noticed a darkness fall over me. I physically braced myself, thinking my guide was leading me into something that was going to hurt me.

I slowed down and cowered; dipping my head in towards my chest as protection, and loosened my hold on my leader's arm; thinking to fend for myself, as I didn't trust where he were taking me.

 Amazingly, he didn't let go of me, he just took it slow and continued to move me into the darkness.He clearly knew what he was doing, as I found myself touching something new and not scary at all.

Wow, isn't the Holy spirit like that sometimes. He doesn't let go!

Know that if you find yourself in a dark place, or even in a valley, that He is with you. His word declares that He will never leave you nor forsake you, and that is the comfort we have.

In fact, there was a time when I was alone at was in....I felt like I didn't have a friend that I could talk to....a phone full of numbers and no-one to call!

I sat there and began to wallow and get down dwelling on how I was feeling, actually telling myself that I was 'all alone'.

I can't quite describe this, but I heard something from within me say, "Never will I leave you, nor forsake you!"

For a moment, I had to made a decision!...I had a split second to accept it or turn back to myself...Thankfully, I chose to take in what the Holy spirit was saying to me, and left the self-pity behind.

 (Ya' know, sometimes it 'feels' good to wallow in whatever it is...self-pity....jealousy....bitterness....perhaps, but it isn't worth it. When God sends forth His word into your situation, take might be your only chance!)

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me;" Psalm 23:4

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

"...then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself." Proverbs 3:5 (TLB)

Monday, 4 February 2013

'Super'natural music...

I woke up this morning singing "Break every chain" by Bethel Church. 

 Wow, it stayed with me as I go the bus into was wonderful ignoring the world and singing aloud (who cares if they looked at me). Praise God for this worship song!



 There is something about singing that opens you up inside, it releases things that you never knew were there! 


There's been times when I've felt spent of emotion, maybe a heavy work load that week or something, and as I gave myself up to letting go and singing with all my heart to God....


 Something was lifted from within and hot tears were streaming down my face....something had happened! And the realisation that He knew all about it, and knew what to do; soothing it all away! Bless Him!


 He's beautiful..there is none like Him. "Your love is colour of freedom..." 


Seriously, listen to and sing this song....spend some time in His presence, experience His comfort and love.

 He hears you....