Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

A saved people!

Sitting in restaurants with tall, clear glass windows....I can't help but look out at the people passing by and wonder about them. I remember a time when I was brassic, walking by the food windows was painful!

 Or even, surpassing the temptation to eat out, when you know full well you have a perfectly good meal waiting for you at home! *Sigh*

 I overheard a lady talking to a friend on the phone yesterday; the conversation wavered between having the money to go out to eat at a time when she was broke, and her 'baby-daddy' failing to initiate some time with 'baby'.

 I wonder how many people look fantastic...but have no food in their cupboards! It's probably more common than I think....there should be a food bank (there probably already is...), that you donate to and when times get hard you can deposit some a savings account. 

I used to do that...sort of...but in a cupboard that I didn't really use. Filled it with nice, but not my favourite foods, for a time when I had no money. Ya' know...corned beef, Fray Bentos tinned pies (umm), fish fingers...  :) 
Well, not fish fingers in the cupboard...those in the freezer!! Lol...

You could say it was/is a bit like when Joseph, in the bible, interpreted Pharaoh's dream about a famine to come. The Lord had given him the meaning and with His wisdom, Joseph had the servants prepare by storing up the grain.
 So when the famine finally came (a seven year wait!) the people of the land came to him, because he was promoted to second in command (amazing story-Genesis chapters 37 to 50!), and he gave them grain from the stores. 

Waalaah! A people saved as God revealed the future to one man.....He's awesome, and again a story of His love and His hand on our lives.

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