Ground Zero's New tower

From the streets of Manhattan, New York....a shiny new building catching the sun.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Warts 'n' all...

"Have faith in God," Jesus said. I found myself looking up Samson in the bible.

I wanted to see if he was mentioned in hebrews chapter eleven with the great men and women of faith....he was!

I was so encouraged; he had times when he was conquering and times when he was betrayed and conquered, but God still used him one last time...

by faith, he asked God for strength to conquer his enemies, and God granted his request...

I have had my times of defeat, that I was fit for the rubbish heap,

but God has encouraged me with His word...that these were real people of the bible;

warts and all, and God still calls them His own. Mega comfort for me!

"I am my Beloved's, and He is mine. And His banner over me is love." (Song of Soloman, song)

P.s. Samson's full story is found in:

Judges - chapter 13-17

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